Thread: A choice?
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Old 05-25-2011, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by DayTrader View Post
That's not been my experience nor that of most of the ppl I know in AA.

Knowledge is great and all but it, as it relates to drinking, it's only sufficient for the non-alcoholic or the person who's NOT lost the power of choice. If knowledge of myself was sufficient to bring about change, I can't imagine I'd work the AA program at all. Then again, this IS the "12 Step Support" portion of this website........
So knowledge is good, unless you are an alcoholic working the 12 step program? Believe it or not even if you know why it works it won't change the fact that it worked. The 12 step method is also a great tool to deal with other recovery issues like support and cleaning up aspect of your life that were damaged due to drinking. It obviously works for Many people but learning that when you lose the obsession you are just changing your subconscious thinking won't be detrimental to your recovery.
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