Thread: Resentments
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:10 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 3,452
I would suggest reading the chapters How It Works, Into Action, and The Family Afterward.

Sometimes, when I am thinking too, just reading the big book helps me to see things that may help me.

I know too, that I have "my way" of thinking I can do these directions in the book.

I just have to let go of what I think is the best way...

Rarely have we seen a person fail that has followed our path...

Not my path, pick a path... (borrowed from an AA speaker)

What you pray about to God is your business. If you don't feel you have to pray about your sobriety, then that is between you and God.

You know how they say, take what you like and leave the rest?

Well this AA speaker I know says take what you like and save the rest for a later use!

We may find that something we were closed too, will be something we are open to later on.

I think it is important to stay in the action of the steps.

We make a list of who we are mad at, what did they do to us...

No need to manufacture names...if they come to you, you write them down.

Move through this first column when finished, into second, into third and fourth...don't get stuck here!

I am stuck in the middle of a 4th step myself.

I am learning that it is "I" who has myself stuck...

I think I can create anything to stall myself...

Time to get moving...

Best wishes to you, and try not to overthink this! From one overthinker to another!
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