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Old 03-16-2011, 03:33 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Lots of great advice given above and your 8 months of sobriety is a real bright spot when you consider that you have accomplished that on your own with sheer willpower and strength of will. With the time you now have your brain is healing everyday and creating correct neural pathways that were damaged by the abuse. However, your brain is also sending you signals to "drink" because your body and mind do not understand that alcohol is a poison... it just knows that it "wants it".

Do NOT throw away the healing time that you have by drinking and setting your healing time clock back. The depression cycles will deepen not lift and it will affect your sleeping, moods and everything in a negative way.

More good news... the key to true happiness and peace is just stopping drinking but it is in the spiritual path of recovery and right now you admit that you are not on that path. If you take the sobriety you now have and if you start seeking out the right sponsor or group to connect with you could very quickly find yourself becoming happy and fulfilled and the constant desire for alcohol will simply fall away.

We all have to have meaning and purpose in our lives and everyone has a divine destiny ... you have a great life ahead of you and you need to get up everyday and ask your HP to help and guide you to that perfect path for you. Expect miracles, expect divine appointments, ask your HP to protect you as He did when you "forgot" your wallet.

Alcohol causes us to isolate and we are social beings that need others ... seek out groups that have wisdom, maturity and good sobriety among their members. Pray for the right sponsor to be revealed to you on your journey. Work the steps ... REALLY work the steps! THat is the KEY to unlocking true peace and happiness.

Once you find it give it away to someone like yourself...

You can make it ... you can find peace, joy and happiness as millions of others have all across this planet. But it won't happen if you don't take the bit in your teeth and go after it with all of your strength and obviously strong resolve.
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