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Old 03-11-2011, 10:46 AM
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Belgian Sheepdog Adictee
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Too elaborate, too verbose, and way too many "I'm sorry."

How about this:

Dear __________________

Since it is not a good idea for us to meet in person at this time, I want you to know I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the following:

(list all your 'I'm sorry' incidents without the 'I'm sorry)

I apologize for everything including what I may have missed above.

Is there anything I can do to repair the damage I have done?



She's heard "I'm sorry" too many times, they won't mean a thing.

The above may not mean a thing either. But this is coming from you in an 'HONEST' attempt to correct YOUR WRONGS.

Then before you send it, and after talking with your sponsor, sit and meditate, get right with HP and then listen and listen hard for any further word from HP.

Then send it.

I understand from your previous posts over in the alcoholism forums that she will not meet with you, so a letter is your only recourse at this time.

However, I must ask, have you asked and listened for an answer from HP if this is the correct time? Or, by continuing to be the best you can be, and improving your life and doing the next right thing, (and yes it will get back to the ex how you are changing your life) might it be better to wait a bit longer so that there is the chance of doing this amend in person?

Some of my most very important amends (in my mind) did not get made until I was 2 to 3 years sober, as HP seemed to continue to indicate to me that they MUST be made in person.


Love and hugs,
laurie6781 is offline