Old 03-03-2011, 09:40 AM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 154
I felt that way nine times out of ten at discussion meetings, before I did the steps. Hearing people whine about their week, talk about how great this 'God' is, how powerless they all are.. blah blah blah.

I was dying - literally wasting away and all people were doing was TALKING??? Where was the action? Where was this 'cure' I had heard about? Who gives a flying fig if there is a potluck? I AM DYING HERE!

I left those meetings angry, confused, weakened and hopeless. I saw people who were mean, selfish and snobby. I went to many meetings (months of them) before anyone even said hello to me. Why was I there when no one even liked me? I had twenty friends who would be happy to see me- they were all at the bar, waiting.

What worked for me is finding a sponsor who works the steps as laid out in the BB. Then I realized what the meetings were really for. They were for the newcomer to find us- that's it. All the work, the steps, are done outside of the meeting. All the talking about how someone's week went- that did nothing for me, personally, as a newcomer. I needed work, action- a purpose. I needed an answer that wasn't alcohol.

I had to grab a sponsor to get that action and 'cure'. Working the steps was the only thing that made the meetings bearable for me. I still am tested in discussion meetings- but now it's for different reasons. I now see sponsees where before I saw people who had no answers and were wasting my time.

This is just my personal experience, of course.
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