Old 02-25-2011, 08:11 PM
  # 8 (permalink)  
12-Step Recovered Alkie
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Location: West Bloomfield, MI
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Fish..... your experience pretty much parallels mine. ......with a few differences.

My therapist has 13 yrs sober and she's 100 an hour (less than that the more I go though). We ONLY talk AA there....just on a deeper level than I can with anyone else in the program because my therapist is not only in recovery, she's professionally trained to listen and to draw stuff out of me. I love my sponsor but he's not able to dig as deep into me as my therapist can......I look at her (therapist) like a professional AA sponsor - a hired gun so to speak.

And if I feel like a session was "weak" or didn't go heavy or deep enough, I complain and tell her...... Heck, I'm not paying money to chill with someone in recovery......I want to GET SOME FRICKIN WORK DONE and I WANT SOME BANG FOR MY BUCK. Oh yeah, my gal is a frickin rock-star step worker too......she's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY deep into AA, the steps, GOD, GOD, more GOD and recovery...... All that said though, as a sponsor, she doesn't pull her therapy tools out. She's tougher on her "patients" than she is her sponsees........ and for someone like me who WANTS it that way, believe me, she shoots with both barrels - but then I'm CRYSTAL clear with her about wanting it that way. Maybe you need to have a similar talk with your therapist.

I still do both......aa and therapy.....but then my therapist only does the steps in her professional practice and I wouldn't WANT psychobabble anyway......
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