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Old 02-24-2011, 08:29 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Akayla View Post
I'm right there with you in the "yet" category. I have no kids, no DUI's, everything is fine at work and in my social life-- thus far, no adverse consequences to my drinking. Nary even a word from a family member or friend. I would like to keep it that way. You are in the position where you still can.

The thing that keeps me going is the family thing; I come from a family of pill poppers and alcoholics. When I finally do have kids, I want to break the cycle that I grew up seeing and set an example that no good can come from substance abuse, and the type of drinking you described is indeed a downward spiral. It's not as though you can go backwards at this point, but it certainly sounds like you're heading in the right direction.

It's amazing how many people are so much like you, and I've realized in less than 24 hours, via this forum, that I can stop feeling bad about my actions and take charge. The fact you are able to abstain a month with your previous pattern on your own is quite amazing. You should be proud, and keep it up.

Respecting the power of your problem or addiction I think is very powerful and has helped me tremendously. Heck, just admitting you have a problem is huge. It's not as though anyone drug you to the computer and forced you into this forum. You're here because something inside you told you you needed to reach out to people who understood. And we do, and we're here for you.

As for your urge to drink- is it strong? Do you think you can tough it out? Have you considered AA, or do you feel like you may not need it?

I can't thank you enough for the encouragement. I mean it! I was hoping to hear something positive when I came here but I am very impressed by how supportive this community is and how perceptive all the advice is.

As to the urge to drink... it was strongest the first two weekends (that was always my hardest time)... after that I started to be kind of an accomplishment for me and for the first time I started thinking I could actually commit to it... Right now I am very empowered by my streak and my success so far (this time)
I had considered AA in passing but right now I think I am going to try and do this without the meetings. I imagine this is somewhat of a stereotypical response but I am incredibly busy with the kids, working full time, and I also do school several nights a week. I am of course willing to make whatever decision I need to make to recover but if I can do it without taking time away from anything else that would be the preferred thing for me.
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