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Old 02-18-2011, 10:02 AM
  # 135 (permalink)  
Nature Girl
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: By The Lake
Posts: 60,328
One of the best diet tips I ever read was "Never eat out of a bag." I could add "Never eat out of a carton".

The bag one helped me because I now either take my portion and put it in a bowl and try to stick with that...or even better, I buy lots of my treats in 100 cal. bags and allow myself two a day...any time or even together if I want...but only two.

I buy 100 cal. popcorn, cheesy things, oatmeal and raisin cookies (actually these are 60 cals each made by Weight Watchers and very good).

I have tried every diet going, low fat, low carb, low calories...and now I am just trying to eat healthy balanced meals, allow myself the two treats and try to stay under 1200 calories most days. And I walk about a half hour once or twice a day.

It's not huge but it works for me and since I got serious about my failed diet and replanned...I have lost 2 pound this month and hope to total 3 by month end. No big deal either, but maybe in 2 more months I can lose a total of 10 pounds...that's what I want. I may then aim for another 5, which would get rid of the entire 15 pounds I wanted to lose before I came on vacation. Better late than never, yes?

Oh, and I quit smoking the last week of November. I wasn't a big smoker, maybe 5 or 6 cigarettes a day (and purely closet as Bubba hates smoking...I think the closet part motivated me most because I hate the dishonesty of fibbing by omission...he never asks because he doesn't think I smoke). Anyway, I'm proud of quitting AND losing any weight at all.

I know that when we get home, it's going to be hard to stay quit (because there will be opportunity once again), but I am going to give it the old Queeny try!! I am past urges I think, so I need to just not "entertain" the thought. I shall banish passing thoughts and not offer a chair and have them take space in my mind.

This all sounds good in writing here...but truth is I am not perfect at all and need to put it all here to be accountable. Why here? Why share this on Whiners?

So I can whine like the devil when I struggle with staying on track.

And I can use these
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