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Old 02-04-2011, 10:33 AM
  # 41 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 1,636
....hmmmm.... I think perhaps it needs to be stated that the requirements for membership and the requirements for actually recovering are not necessarily the same.....

I mean, let's face it, the requirement for my joining a gym is that I be willing to pay the fees, but paying the fees is not going to do diddly-squat to improve my physical health (Unless, of course, the fees are huge and I pay them all up-front in gold coin that I personally carry, on foot, all the way from my home to the gym.)...If I want to improve my physical health, I actually have to have a workout plan and I actually have to follow that plan. And, in my own case, it really would be best if that plan was not one I had come up with myself (instead maybe like one that had been developed carefully by "experts" and used successfully by many millions of people over, say, 70-80 years) and if I had some kind of trainer (like a sponsor maybe) around to help keep me on-track.

Also, I've got to say that it strikes me as more than a bit odd that you say in your original post that, if you join AA, then you want to work a purist BB program, but later on you admit that you haven't read and don't want to have to read the BB, at least not in its entirety. I guess I'm not understanding how you can possibly know that you would want to work a purist BB program when it clearly is not possible that you have any personal understanding, let alone experience, with what that actually means.

For me, based on my personal understanding of the BB, which I have read many times, the first few chapters are pretty much devoted to raising my awareness of and emphasizing my powerlessness and the unmanageability of my life when I insist on being the manager of me and to convincing me that, therefore, the only possible path to recovery is for me to totally surrender and give the management of my life over to a HP.

So, basically, complete surrender and the total openness and willingness that accompanies that surrender are pretty much prerequisite for any kind of recovery the path to which is going to be found in the BB....

The fact that you obviously still have so many terms and conditions around what you are willing and not willing to do makes it difficult for me to imagine how you might be able to work any BB-based path to recovery, let alone one that might, in any honest sense, be referred to as "purist."

It seems that perhaps you are still looking to manage your own recovery and come up with your own path -- and that, of course, is your right. I would suggest, however, that you not waste a lot of time trying to support, justify, or defend such a path out of the BB, because I can say with a far amount of certainty that it really does not easily lend itself in any way to supporting or justifying ego-driven, force-of-my-own-will, I'll-be-my-own-sponsor-and-HP-too recovery -- if indeed there exists such a thing.

...and, BTW, I truly do not know if such a thing exists or not, but, if you happen to find it, please come back and let me know what it looks like and how it's workin' for you.

Good luck -- freya
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