Thread: Acceptance
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:56 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 3
Thanks for the post OneWithWings.

I've been working on acceptance as well, and it's a tough one. I could never really accept myself for who I was, and subsequently, my view on the rest of the world was unhealthy, filled with many expectations and even more resentments. Why couldn't people act the way I wanted them too? I had absolutely no control over my own my life, yet I believed I could control everyone and everything around me. Because I'm a very sick person, I've lived most of my life plagued by irrational beliefs; I wasn't able to cope with a [I]seemingly[I] hostile world. It took me to get to this program to realize that the problem was within myself, and that no matter how much drugs I put on top of my problem, my perceptions of reality might have changed, but reality in itself, for me, never got better, only worse.

Until I could accept my addiction, I could not remaiin sober. Unless I could accept life completely on life's terms, I could not be happy. I heard in a meeting the other day, that once we let go of our expectations, only then can we allow acceptance into our lives.

God runs the show, not me. When I've taken the reigns back into my hands and am playing Director, I know I'm headed for a relapse. It's foolish: I could not control my addiction, so what makes me think I have the power to control the outcome of my everyday reality?

For me, a huge part of acceptance is accepting that I failed as controller of my life, so, I submit to God, for He knows better than I the path(s) I should take.

And acceptance is the answer to all life's problems today......
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