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Old 11-04-2010, 12:04 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 115
Originally Posted by seekanswers View Post
We are having some issues in our relationship and this is one of them. She says she doesn't have a problem and she tells me that none of her friends say anything about her drinking. But they all drink as much as well. She says that I am the only one who is concerned about it.

Does drinking that much every night mean that someone has a problem or is it just me?
I would be concerned about the fact that her reaction to your concern is basically, "I don't have a problem, YOU have the problem." Whether the issue is alcohol or anything else, it is very difficult to be married to someone who not only disregards your concerns, but in fact BLAMES you for even expressing your concerns. That pattern of communication is toxic for a marriage.

If it turns out that your fiance DOES have a drinking problem (and we already know it's a problem for YOU), that also comes with a whole host of other issues, including the denial, blaming you, and making you think that you are the problem for even daring to suggest there might be an issue.

Drinking problems get worse, not better. If you are unsure about where this issue is headed, I would recommend holding off on the wedding. What it comes down to is whether you can live with her drinking, because only she can decide whether she will change her behavior. If this is potentially a deal-breaker, it's much better to figure that out before you get married.

I'm sorry that you are facing this issue, but I applaud you for recognizing and dealing with it instead of ignoring it and just hoping it will get better after you are married. Good luck, and please keep posting, this is a very supportive board with a lot of collective wisdom and experience.

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