Old 10-20-2010, 02:01 AM
  # 90 (permalink)  
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sorry to hear you're feeling this way. But nothing changes if nothing changes.
Active alcoholism is madness, and you're too enmashed into it, and thus unable to see things clearly.
You need to take a step back, a fresh start in your life. I suggest starting new thread here too. Try concentrating on yourself and not her. You can not change her or anything about the way she lives her life. But you can start working on yourself, and than I promise new good things will be revealed to you. So start talking about you, what do you want out of life, can you have that and if not what is there that you can have and be at peace with. And I don't mean just leaving her, I mean to think about all things that are making you - you, and what can you do to make yourself better for you. You're planning to leave, but emotionally you're still stuck, at least that is my impression, and that will not change until you give yourself permission to change it.
In in regard to next person being or not more important to her than the bottle, hun, her alcoholism has nothing to do with love or the lack of it. I know how great my RAH's love for me is, but still that never made him stop drinking. It simply doens't work that way. Nobody can be loved to recovery by you or any other person. Diferent things make diferent A's stop, but love for someone else is not one of them in my experience. She has to want it for herself more than anything else in the world.
I know all too well how hard it is to live the way you're living now, but you are the only person that can change that.
Take care
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