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Old 09-30-2010, 12:24 PM
  # 25 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: South Texas
Posts: 13
Well, I'm currently on Day 7 of being sober and I must say, I feel SO MUCH BETTER! For once in a long, long time I'm finally starting to laugh, be optimistic and just find joy in life. I'm not saying that I haven't had strong urges to drink, to just say screw it, and go pick up a 12 pack, but fighting those urges has led me to finally realize that yes, I CAN BEAT THIS! Here are just a few of the positives that I have experienced over the past few days.

1.) Waking up, feeling refreshed, without a headache, and not dreading another day.
2.) Taking care of problems instead of drinking and forgetting about them.
3.) I actually show up to work on time, with enthusiasm, wanting to perform well.
4.) I'm finally laughing, and having fun.
5.) My libido. I didn't realize how much drinking was effecting my sex life, but it REALLY was, and needless to say, my girlfriend and I are both quite pleased
6.) I don't sweat constantly anymore. I still have a bit of night sweats, but now I can actually be out in the sun, and not have my shirt drenched with sweat within 10 seconds.
7.) My bank account.
8.) I actually remember what happens at night!

These are just a few. The first 3-4 days were BRUTAL. The shakes, headaches, constant sweating, the urge for a drink. It was quite tough. I've pretty much gotten over the initial withdrawal symptoms. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm in for a long, tough fight. This is when it's easy to slip into "I can have just one and be ok." I have been receiving a lot of support from my friends, and this forum has helped me SO MUCH. When I have had a strong urge, I like to just get on, and read. I'm finally realizing that life is worth living, sober, and it can be a lot of fun, and yeah, it sucks when bad things happen, but that's what life is. I still have a bit of a mental fog, and a bit of anxiety in certain situations, but I found out that if I eat right, exercise, and get proper sleep, these problems are pretty insignificant and I can deal with them. So, I'm looking forward to day 8, and in a week from now saying that I've been sober for two weeks. Have an excellent day everyone, stay strong, and thanks!
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