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Old 09-27-2010, 02:27 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Heywood,Gtr.Manchester
Posts: 242
A spiritual experience.

On the 14th of Feb.,2008, alone and unaided by human hand and so inebriated by alcohol I could only crawl on my belly to bed and manage to clamber into my bed I prayed, cried out to the god of my understanding for release from my suffering, eventually I fell asleep, nothing happened. Next day I was ill, I managed to sustain myself through the day, with no alcohol.

The followingday, feeling a little better, I bought 4 cans of Superstrength lager, made myself a modest meal and commenced to do what alcoholics do, a few mouthfuls of food, nothing fancy and a mouthful or so of lager, I was sick and felt so revulsed that the lager was poured down the sink, the food went in the bin, I felt so ill.

The next day, I took it easy, felt ill, sustained myself and went to bed.

The day after I , feeling a little better, repeated the process of a light meal to be washed down with ordinary lager of a much lesser strength, there was a repeat performance only this time I hardly got any alcohol in my mouth, that day my recovery began and has continued to the time of writing.

Now some people have suggested my physical revulsion was just a bodily reaction, but no explanation has ever been offered by doctors, counsellors as to the'spiritual' effector the mental aspect. Alcohol - ISM, as I call it , is a three fold illness, it bankrupts you physically, mentally and spiritually, yet it all went, I wasn't restored to full health immediately, that as in everybodys case took time and patience, but I'd have to accept it was a ,'spiritual ' experience, for no other explanation has been forthcoming , my belief in the god of my understanding, without trying to rationalise it or compare it to knowledge gained or religion is absolute. Mike W.
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