Thread: The bottom.
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Old 09-26-2010, 06:23 AM
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Originally Posted by jwk3964 View Post
Thanks for all of the responses. Like I said, today is day 1 for me, and to be honest it hasn't been too bad, but at the same time I've been hungover all day and I can't wait to just lay in bed. Most of the times when I have "tried to quit" day 3 and 4 would always get to me. I do have a few questions.

1.) Do you guys sweat profusely? I'm not talking about the night sweats or anything else, but actual "I just got out of the shower and it's 68 degree's in my apt. and I'm already dying". I went to Wal-mart and did some chores around town, and I couldn't walk from my car to the front door without dripping. This has caught my attention at other points on my life, I've just never actually asked that question. It's obviously annoying, but it's more embarrassing than anything else.

2.) I think part of the reason I've always failed in the past is that I become bored, because when I'd normally be drinking, I'd just be sitting there. I work full time, and when I'm not hungover I like to exercise, but that still doesn't seem to be enough. My mind is constantly racing and needs something to stimulate or... the case with alcohol, completely numb it. What kind of activities did you guys take up to fill that "void"?

Once again, thanks for the responses. It honestly feels really nice to be able to talk about these problems with others who have dealt/currently are dealing with them. I've tried to talk to some friends in the past, but they just seemed to kind of blow it off and not really listen. So have a nice night all, I'm looking forward to day 2.
sweating? good Lord, yes. my sheets were soaked at night for the first few weeks of sobriety. i had my AC blasting and the windows open in NOVEMBER. it was pretty horrible.

as for the bordeom, i wanted to address that specifically.

too many of the "oldtimers" overlook this question and just tell the newcomer to go to a meeting. i believe you never really get over an addiction, you just replace it with another. i'll be a bottom barrell drunk for the rest of my life, i'm just not practicing anymore.

when i got sober i had to find new hobbies to fill my life. it is imo 90% of what keeps me sober.

play video games
go to the library
work on a car
go see a movie
go for a hike
go to the zoo
go to a museum
play basketball
go to a professional ball game
volunteer at a homeless shelter
get a part time job
build something with your hands

I really got into radio controller airplanes and cars. Some of these will run more than 100mph and nobody gets hurt when i crash! it's alot of fun and takes up alot of my days.

I also got back into MMA(mixed martial arts) my body hadn't been able to train in more than 10 years. that's also alot of fun.

I'm sure Carol will chime in too....can someone contact her and ask her to post the 101 things to do when you're sober?

i looked for more than 1/2 hour but she's got more than a hundred pages of threads.

hang in there!
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