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Old 09-07-2010, 02:09 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Hey guys..Asta, hope you're doing ok. Let us know how you're feeling and if there's anything we can do to support you!! I know I've been scarce, I come to see if there's anything new, but there wasn't so I just let it go for awhile.

Glad you're getting adjusted, T..sounds like a busy existence! Been enjoying your posts..the one about the Benjamin Button movie made me laugh out loud.

Today was the first day of school for the boys. Oldest started middle school (at an ungodly hour), and the other in 3rd grade. One came home happy (oldest), one with some tears. Seems he was really looking forward to having a desk as opposed to a table, and a planner (sort of a rite of passage) and got neither. He's a real sensitive kid, so he was all teary...kinda cute. For me..not for Plus, he has the same teacher as last year, so it's all a bit underwhelming.

I've been pretty darn good lately. Summer has a tendency to kick my a** in the personal responsibility department, but I identified it and kept a handle on things. Not perfect, but much better than in the past. Progress, not perfection? Maybe for now.
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