Thread: finding my way
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Old 08-10-2010, 11:48 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
To thine own self be true.
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He wanted us back together...full steam ahead, and I didn't, and I felt manipulated, and guilty for not feeling the same. I felt like he was just waiting for me to say, ok, it's all better, let's live together again. And that is not what I want at all.
I have been thinking about this about myself lately because of someone else's recent post about being worried about hurting a man's feelings because she was not as interested. I wonder what is it that makes us so sensitive about this? Why do we sacrifice our OWN feelings, set ourSELVES up for so much hurt (even knowingly) in order to save someone else's feelings?

I think where the alcoholic or addict has NO empathy for us, we have TOO MUCH empathy for them. Sometimes I feel like we overcompensate for OTHER people's uncaring attitudes. But then, as I was observing on yet another post, as I get older, the less responsible I feel for how other people feel. It's easier for me to let them own their own feelings and I own mine.

Thanks for sharing.
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