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Old 07-30-2010, 10:48 AM
  # 311 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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I love "Nasty Girl" by Janet Jackson. haha, pork, I'll get you back! We won't worry about you - just enjoy your time with your parents (I know it means alot to me these days, as my folks are elderly and any day something could happen to take them from this world). We'll be thinking of you, too, so put your little porkchopped radar out their and pick up our good vibes.

Don't know if I can be much help on the iTunes/iPod issue (my daughter's the one who would know). I do know that there's a support line for Apple - 1-800-275-2273. Also, make sure you have the latest version of iTunes on your computer.

BobGT - had to laugh when you talked about Robby Rat coming back for desert - Apparently, he doesn't have very discriminating tastes. Who coulda guessed a critter could actually eat your car! It's great that everything worked out well. Life's little stressors...

Atlas - big CONGRATS on 90 days! It really is a big deal, isn't it? I loved this, too:
on the last page of Bill's story in the Big Book it talks about having to live in faith 24hrs a day or we perish.
That really resonated with me today. More than anything, I need to keep that positive hope alive: hope in myself and faith that the universe/Higher Power is with me, ready to help me be the best "me" I can be. I tend to react to things by seeing the glass half empty, and need to counter that with positivity on a daily basis. So THANKS for that.

My back is doing sooooo much better, thanks for everyone's concern. I feel as if we have our own little "prayer group" (for lack of a better word, because I'm not religious in the traditional sense). I do believe there is a Higher Power which is all-loving and I believe it's a part of all of us and that we're connected. Therefore, I cherish hearing from all of you, even when there's no "news" (BobGT).........

OK, let me finish my sermon by saying have a totally rad, boss, groovy, MFer day!!! I love you all!
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