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Old 07-27-2010, 09:57 AM
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It's after 11:00 and I'm still drinking coffee (shame, shame), but I'm going to get to work after this, for the first time in over a week. I ran errands yesterday and my back did OK, so hopefully it's all uphill from here.

Dee - yeah, I'm right there with ya. Once I start to feel good again, I want to go back full force into stuff. As they say, getting old isn't for sissies, lol.

RGO - so sad about those two young people. I like to watch court dramas and murder mysteries on TV sometimes and it's unreal how many tragedies start with alcohol. One thing that helps me stay sober is just knowing that the world needs people who can attest to the negatives of alcohol. I want to be one of the "good guys." Congrats on 72 days - that's fantastic!

Draciack - it really does hit home when you see someone ordering that many drinks in the bar. I have a couple good friends who are functioning alcoholics and I really don't want to be around them anymore. Like you said, it's somehow distasteful - you can see the drink taking over. I'm starting to realize that I'm enough without having to change my mood or personality. People most likely enjoy me more when I'm acting like myself.

One thing for sure: It was really hard to care about myself or love myself while I was drinking. Hell, it was just hard to BE myself. What a relief to accept who I am. It's not like it comes overnight - I'm having to work at it everyday. But it's a HUGE difference from what it was.

Glad that you're enjoying your job, Atlas! I can't imagine taking walks (other than to the mailbox) in this heat, but more power to ya!

Well, I guess it's off to work we go, like one of the 7 dwarfs, hi ho hi ho. Y'all have a great day and I'll see ya later.

Oh, if you want to look at a funny video (about dads), my cousin had this on his facebook. I thought it was great!

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