Old 07-15-2010, 12:16 PM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 602
I think you already know you're entirely justified in asking him to go.

Also, you're wise to wait till you're not angry to do it!

My experience is that it's simpler--and kinder--in situations like these to NOT give reasons. Firstly, as you know, giving reasons can make it seem as though you're open to negotiations, which a manipulative person will jump all over. And secondly, he already knows the reasons. So keep it quick and light: "Hey, we need our room back, so be out by 30 November. Thanks!" Optional: "We've got a moving van lined up for that week if you want."

(I have a sneaking suspicion he can tell you're gearing up to ask him. I bet he's got an alternate place in mind.)

Best of luck to you.
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