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Old 07-14-2010, 04:14 PM
  # 15 (permalink)  
Blu**ed Lines...A ClockWork SR
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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I no longer live ou the Willie Nelson song, "At 2 I Went to Bed with a 10 and at 10 I woke up wit a 2".

On a more serious note: I no longer get arrested, and can genuinely connect with other people as well as having a much better grasp of what I can control an what I can't, and know I have the ability to have a positive impact on my world: also new found appreciation for my parents walking the fine line for me between enabling and letting me ou on the streets, and when I find myself slipping and manipulating out of instinct I call myself on it and stop, etc. (think I could ramble for pages). Point being alcohol contributed to me doing things I believe in my heart are morally wrong. Only by not drinking do I have the ability to know this.
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