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Old 06-09-2010, 11:22 AM
  # 92 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Baby Steps. Lots of Baby Steps my friend. My brain got cleaner a lot quicker than my body did. It took me thirty days to get my body back to some normalcy. Since I had so much brain energy, I started pulling stacks of mail up to my chair and started thinning the stacks out. Then I'd sit beside a dresser or whatever needed thinning out and would go thru things. It kept my mind busy and active. Didn't have time to sit around and think about wanting a pill. It also helped having all the spoiled chickens (kids) that kept wanting my attention to keep me moving and motivated. I just got up one day feeling much better and didn't think about wanting a pill. The same will happen with you Video. I'm sure your wife is enjoying the new you more. I know my husband supported me while I was on the meds, (for medical reasons), but he sure enjoys me more being off the posion. I love myself a whole lot more too. Everyone around me has been complimenting me on how much better I look and the difference in my personality. Hmmmm! I wonder why?

I don't even keep track of how many days I have clean anymore. I have so much to keep me busy the days just fly by. If it gets to be too hectic! I just go stand on my head in a corner somewhere until all the blood rushes to my head. I've had enough seriousness in my life already. So I try not to let anyone or anything get me into such a state of mind I want to use again. And yes! There has been times that moment has surfaced. When it happens. I take myself outside for a walk around the yard or put some of my favorite music CD's in the stero and get busy doing something else to take my mind off of it. We all have trigger points and we all have to have an escape route for it besides popping a pill.

So keep on truckin with the way you are going. You are doing a GREAT job staying off those damn pills. You've been there several times before and it sounds like you've come to the realization you know what will happen if you fall back into the bottle again. If you ever think about another pill? Take that pill in your hand that's headed to the opening in your face. And go put it into that large opening in the bathroom. Then push the silver knob and walk away.
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