Thread: kia
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Old 04-10-2010, 01:25 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: southport merseyside
Posts: 536

hi just thought id give u a11 a quick update as not posted for a whi1e we11 as things stand the A hasnt been in touch since monday when he was very argumentative over msn with me picking a fight and to1d him this and shut the converstation off after 1ess than an hour which is quite good for me and hes not spoke since a1though has been on1ine and i no i wi11 get to the no contact just cant yet but the more time passes the more im drifting away from him and its becoming easier as for the other guy we11 sti11 seeing him but for me its prob too soon i dunno but its p1easant spending time with someone who doesnt a1ways want something from me or who is nasty or takes what i say and twists it hes just norma1 guy who drinks very 1itt1e and who thinks the wor1d of me and im thawing out somewhat but think there wi11 a1ways be a bit of me thats 1ocked up.

By the way is it norma1 to want to spend time on my own cos the new guy does seem to be wanting to spend every min with me i mean is this me wanting to be on my own at times cos i am keeping c1ose eye on this cos not changing and a1coho1ic for a c1ingy guy who cant do things on his own xxxx
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