Old 01-02-2010, 01:43 AM
  # 63 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Denver, Colorado
Posts: 2
I'm new here, but there were plenty of things me and the "old" group of friends did that at the time we "believed" were "hilarious". Today, I look back at those times when I really cut loose with binge drinking from 1999 (high school sophomore year) until 2006 (when I joined the Army and left that life behind).

A few choice examples...

Girlfriends vomitting on a friend's unit late one night.
Urinating off the third-story level of a parking garage in Denver.
Watching one friend run naked in front of a cop car, then jumping on the windshield of said patrol car only to be arrested.
Feeding beer to a Greyhound, having it run off, get picked up by the cops, brought back to a house full of drunken teenagers who faced minor consumption of alcohol charges and one friend arrested for animal abuse.

Sure, at the time, those events were hilarious to the drunken mind. Right now, I look back at those "fun times" and think of how many years I wasted screwing life up. I can actually hardly laugh these days considering that out of a crew of twenty young men and women with their lives ahead of them me and two others managed to kick our alcoholism.

However, so goes life and if a few can be saved, eventually we might just save a few more.
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