Old 10-23-2009, 10:15 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: The Swish Alps, SF CA
Posts: 2,144
This isn't an abstract excercise, I am struggling about a disclosure, it isn't about my actions, I have knowledge of someone else's harmful actions towards another, and I have not known whether to disclose this for over a year (and because I am struggling I have done nothing).
What are your motives for wanting to "help" this other person?

Is it any of your business?

This is not me asking you, this is me asking you the questions I would be asking myself.

I would discuss this with a sponsor, a therapist, or with someone with a great program, I am probably way out of line for volunteering them, but I would probably PM either Laurie, LaTeeDa, ToughChoices or Freya, lay my cards on the table and ask them if I was unable to ask someone face to face
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