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Old 08-31-2009, 09:01 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
To thine own self be true.
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Reply to Anvilhead

Hi Anvilhead, Thanks so much for your post. I do, unfortunately, recognize the fight-or-flight response you define and describe in your post. I have been reading about fight-or-flight and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because the doctor indicated I may have that. I've been practicing ways to handle it at work--Because it's really not good to fight your boss or run away from work in the middle of the day, LOL.

Lemme' ask you something, are you saying that just because you knew you were going to use, you had the fight-or-flight response? Like your body was preparing itself for the use, in response to your thoughts?

Did it feel emotional? That sounds like a weird question, doesn't it? What I mean by that is, I've been trying to strengthen the connection between my thoughts and my feelings. It's my understanding that when a person has ADHD, like me, the neurological connections between their primitive brain (instinct, feelings) and their "new" brain (thoughts, rationalization), are not "normal," or healthy. So, I've been trying to train my brain to connect the two. For instance, you may recall my recent request for words to describe what was occuring with the addicted person in my life and the widow and compare those words to my feelings.

From what you are saying, I see I may need to consider also the biological response in all this PTSD/ADHD stuff I'm working on. I wonder if I can reconnect whatever neurological what-evers to lessen the fight-or-flight response with the thoughts as they relate to biology. I have no idea what I just said or what I am talking about. Just thinking out loud in response to what you said. See how confused I make myself? LOL!
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