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Old 08-16-2009, 10:40 AM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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just to give you an idea...I am on 3 meds. Lamictal, prosac and welbutrin.

I was never able to tolerate any other mood stabalizer before Lamictal and it doesn't drop me to idiotville or coma-ville like some of the others seemed to. PLUS i realized it helps my depression more than some of the seperate anti-d's have.

i switched off of effexor last year to the prosac. i'd never tried prosac so i figured why not. it seems to work well for me. and the wellbutrin helps and gives me just a tiny boost in wakefulness i need.

sounds like she is wanting you on the seroquel to help you sleep. i don't know what your sleeping history is, but i've found several things that help me instead of head meds.

I do simple self-hypnosis things in my head to help me stop thinking ... and i have also learned how to do progressive muscle relaxation techniques that just make my body so relaxed and read to fall asleep.

i don't always have to do these things, but they sure help when i need them! And sometimes i'm out in just a few minutes.

Also, antihistamines make me sleepy so if i need something extra i try to reach for one of those...and i also have started trying to watch my caffiene intake after 5-6 p.m.

Now...depending on how motivated you are/want to be... i can't tell you enough how the daily exercise has helped my anxiety, mood, energy and general well-being. If i can keep it up for the rest of my life i truly believe it is the best "med" there is.

What dose of Lamictal are you on now?
Did the doc ever say why she wanted to add on the extra mood-stabalizers?

now, again...i'm NO doc and no on should ever listen to me above a real doctor, but i am wondering how any doc can tell what is working and what isn't with that many different meds going?

What are your main issues? sleep? anxiety? or the depression? are you also a rapid cycler?

Also...have you ever tried vitamins? I know taking a vitamin D helps me with my low energy. And that vitamin C helps me not get as sick all the time during a depressive episode with my immune system is slowed down.

Above all, I think seeking another doctor is the best action. I know that i at least 'feel' like i'm better off when i'm with a pdoc i feel is working with me well and one who is also very competent. Pdocs are like have to find one you mesh with and who really seems interested and knowledgeable enough to help you be the best you.

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