GRRR service work
Our area AA usually has 3 speaker-get togethers a year. Memorial Day, Labot Day and Christmas.
I'd held off on mentioning Labor Day is coming up to let someone else come forward. A guy did bring it up at the meetings. I asked every one last Thursday to stay over for a group conscience/ business meeting over the Labor Day picnic. Two other guys stayed mostly to help me clean up after the meeting.
Doing a little venting over this. The guy that, brought up the labor Day speaker picnic and I did get together before a meeting tonight and made up a list for people to sign up to bring for the picnic. I'm not too sure, how many signed up to bring something at the meeting tonight, the guy left before, I had a chance to ask him.
This is a we program. There has been a time at our Christmas party where, I had to make numerous trips cause, people signed up to bring things and didn't show up. I know, some are sicker then others, I'm not wanting to have resentments over this.
I learned first thing in this program to do service work to help ensure my sobriety. When, my friend and I was talking about this before the meeting, we decided to try and get a committee going well enough in advance to relieve both of us from having to carry the burden by ourselves.
Having a smaller AA community is a blessing and a curse. A get together outside of a normal AA meeting shouldn't rest entirely upon 2 or 3 people. I know, AA is not all inclusive in this. Several groups I've been in this seemed to be the case
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