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Old 07-22-2009, 08:30 PM
  # 309 (permalink)  
IO Storm
IO Storm
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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Posts: 18,436

Thanks to dear Nelcs and Stoney for these.. :

Seems to be some folks in physical pain, and depression, anxiety..and the like.

Such is life, plain and simple.

It is nothing to wonder at..I suppose it is always a matter of our reaction to it, how we

handle it. We don't let it beat us..ever.

Prayers for my friends here suffering from pain...I did pray today, in my

11th Step quiet time. Will do again, now that I read all the posts in the 10th evening time.

(Which always takes me to another 11th, lol!)

Today..I started out early to shop for our weekly supplies..but it was much hotter than I thought.

I felt bad halfway there. It was 108 ..I heard ten in the a.m.

I went slowly, as I felt my heart rate shoot up. When I was done shopping,..there was a magnificent cloud cover, and the cab

came in about 4 minutes. HP took care of me today, I know!

Now, I can be of service to someone else..I'll help my sister clean her home tomorrow.

So, I won't be "on" for a bit.

I'm not feeling tippity top myself, but I do know this..HP is giving me this stuff, putting

it in my path, I help me stay out of my head, out of "me"...because when

I stay in there..I get sick.

Least..I admire your efforts today with the grandbaby! My younger girl was colicky,

and the "only" thing that would calm her was to go for a ride in our truck..really.

We did a lot of riding.

Hugs to all of you, dear friends.

Sax..special hugs and prayers.

LIS peeps are the bestest! :

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