Thread: miserable
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:12 PM
  # 64 (permalink)  
once in a . . .
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GiveLove -omg thank you!!! - I totally did't see it in that perspective, I saw it as "yeah, I had to stop 50 baziliion times ...." -- If I can't do it perfect then I did it WRONG ...

Drank alot a water today but not much to drink and in a fit of self pity, have decided that (read this in a whiny voice) "I don't HAVE TO do any laps today if I don't want to! (now stick your tongue out)

I need to find that little voice and make friends with it! She's too into self-sabotage ......

My back is stiff and my legs HURT. I feel like SUCH A WIMP for being so sore when I only did such a very little bit - I hate it!

I wish there was an easier, faster, PAINLESS way to do all of this -- but I know there's not and THAT just really gives me a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad attitude

Covington - excellent points to think about!

As for the river. It's a pretty place to walk to/by. The part by my house is also by the university and so it's kept up nicely. Swimming in it would be a NO-NO. A couple blocks further north and there's where RAH likes to go fishing there and is anxious for me to be able to come with him. I used to do that in another lifetime ------

Are we SURE there isn't there an EASY way to get my life back??? *heavy sigh* I guess not

RAH has to remind me constantly to "SLOW DOWN A BIT" - it seems like if I'm going to walk , I want to walk FAST like I could before. No - I think it's that I want tot get to the end "NOW" !!
Have I mentioned that I HATE this and that I REALLY AREPRECIATE having y'all to talk to??

Thank you all!

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