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Old 06-16-2009, 02:12 AM
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Soft & Silky & Manageable
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Radelaide
Posts: 148
Smile Something wonderful happened today

A truly wonderful thing has happened

I went for a nice, slow, quiet walk around the block. I found myself picking up litter along the way. It reminded me of primary-school when the teachers made you pick up rubbish in the school yard for detention or littering.

I enjoyed it so much I slowed my pace. At first I was looking at the houses, then I found myself looking up into the trees. As I neared my street, I noticed myself stopping to smell flowers on trees and bushes. I wanted to keep going, I was feeling great.

I crossed over to the new estate. They turned a smelly old creek on a farmland into a great big fake lake with a playground, trees and a walkway. As I approached the lake, I noticed a man playing with his two kids on the swing-set. It made me smile, and wonder what it'll be like when I have children of my own.

I paused to rest on a park bench and watch the birds. After watching the birds for a while and admiring everything around me, I suddenly fell into deep thought. Thinking about times from childhood before all my messing around, thinking of past relationships, thinking how many people are out in the world, how I tried to change things about my ex-partners lol.

During my late teens I started dating a younger girl I worked with. I ended up leaving for a higher-paying job and because I was senior staff, which weren't allowed to fraternise with crew.

We lost out virginity to each other. So we had a lot of fun experimenting and exploring the world of sex. One of many pleasant memories I'm glad I still have. I'm not ashamed to admit this one, you might laugh. I was always trying to get her to wear jeans. I just loved girls in skin-tight jeans and she never wore jeans, it bugged the hell outta me ha ha ha ha.

When staring up at the clouds, I was so relaxed I started seeing those little bacteria things (I think they are anyway) those little white dots, that whizz around in circles when you are totally relaxed and staring. The pattern they were forming reminded me of a kaleidoscope, and it got me thinking, 'oh right, so that's probably where all those cool kaleidoscope-like colourful visuals you sometimes get from hallucinogens.'

It made me realise the visuals weren't all that special really. I used to think so during my party days, but it's not magic or anything special, it's just science. I suppose I could look it up but I don't really see the point.

I still feel wonderful. Amazing what a good walk can do. I'm so happy it re-kindled my love with deep thought. It's been a very long time since I've enjoyed a good think. Sober living, I'm so looking forward to it!

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