Old 06-05-2009, 06:50 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Originally Posted by chiynita View Post
I am not an expert. But I have had my fair share of dealing with men.
And all that only call him during work jhours should have raised some red flags from the beginning.
Thats somthing a married man would want his mistress to do. Not saying thats what it is cause you said he isnt married. But You know what I mean. Something has to be going on with that. Thats just not normal.
What is the reason behind that?
He is 57 and a bachelor. Theres gotta be a reason for that too. Doesnt have to be bad. But it tells me he has commitment issues maybe.
He is your only support??!!
He is treating you and making you feel like a POS. How is that support?
Leave him alone. No reason to prolong the BS.
And you dont have to call him back to tell him your not going to call him anymore.
What is there to validate in doing that?
You have alot more important things to focus on IMHO. And that is you and your sobriety.
I just dont know hoe you get mixed up with these types of people katie. Since you first came here I have read aboput 3 or 4 different people you have had in your life that have done nothing but make you feel bad or take advantage of you.
You need to love yourself and forget about anyone else but you.
I know you can do it. And you are worth it.
Dont look to others especially men to find your worth.
You are a woman who is capable of being strong and independent and confident.
I know you got it in you.
Just stay away from this guy. You are vulnerable and he knows it.
Dont allow anyone to treat you like that.
Thanks, Chi. I know you are right. It makes me very angry when I think about what you say and you are completely right. He does treat me like a POS and I've allowed it. No more!!!! I won't take it. He does know I'm vulnerable and I've had it. Somehow I just have to walk away and not look back. I just wish I were coming from a place of strength and could kick him to the curb, but I'm not. Oh well. I can still kick him to the curb even if I'm not in the best place. I did at least let him know the phone thing is very weird. I just can't deal with it. It's too lonely. Thanks for your post!
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