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Old 04-16-2009, 06:19 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
little darlin'
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: great lakes state
Posts: 217
hey penny,

just wanted agree w/ everyone else and let you know that I think you were put in a really bad situation, but handled it extremely well. I'm afraid I would have been tempted to go apesh!t on these guys due to their blatent disregard for you or your feelings. Not to mention the extreme disappointment I would have in my husband for being so inconsiderate. I live in Michigan, I could go have a chat w/ him if you'd like... lol/j/k! But seriously, as others have mentioned, I would have a serious, but non-confrontational discussion about how this entire situation has made you feel and the potential risk you could have been put it. I'm sure your husband didn't do it intentionaly, he probly didn't even really think about it a whole lot, but I'd make darn sure he thinks about it next time. Keep calm and state your case very matter of factly. It would probly also be helpful to let him know what your fathers feelings about it are... not to make him feel worse but to make sure he understands that not only are you one of 'the good ole boys' wife, but also your father's daughter. He wants to protect you but never imagined that would be necessary on your own property. I think I'd probly have to stop my father from explaining that to my husband himself if I were in your shoes.

Bottom line is you did a fabulous job taking care of and protecting yourself. For that, you should be very proud. I'm proud of you!

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