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Old 04-14-2009, 05:06 PM
  # 426 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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I'm sorry you're in so much pain, but I think you are doing what you know is best for you. It's hard, when we're not used to taking care of us, to suddenly start doing that, but it does get easier and we do look back and wonder why we lived "the other way" for so long? :ghug3

I can't believe I haven't been here for a few days! I am doing good. Things are calm at the house, despite dad mentioning "divorce" quite often. One friend/coworker (who's gf, who is ALSO a friend and just had their 3rd child) has been arrested, awaiting sentencing. Failed a drug screen and can only be around his kids 4 hrs a day. He is quacking and I'm not falling for it. He's been fired again, but continues to show up, begging for money, even though he's not getting it.

One of the mgrs I thought I could trust is under suspicion for stealing from work. My name is on some of the transactions, but so are several other servers..the mgr is the only constant. Needless to say, things at work are a bit tense, but I am "rising above it" again.

I am hoping to visit an SR friend who's son is in the hospital. It's really cool to have an SR friend actually live close enough to visit!!

I'm still not smoking, on day 11. Today is tough, but it just reminds me that this is an addiction, and just because the last few days were really easy, I'm still going to have days that aren't so easy. Trying to convince Brit to quit, but she's not ready. Stepmom doesn't even want to try.

Going to curl up with the furbabies and watch TV, now

Hugs and prayers!

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