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Old 04-08-2009, 06:41 PM
  # 463 (permalink)  
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I did try having a discussion with Damon about me going and I was met with hostility and refusal to listen. He went off saying how I spent so much already and need to pay back what I spent... how I'm doing nothing with it so far and what I've done should be good enough.He said no without even discussing... was rude and nasty even. As expected. Why did I even bother trying to talk to him? The result was the same as if I had gone and just registered without mentioning it.

I pointed out that I have been teaching for 6 months already...and have been slowly making some money. If I had not been doing ANYTHING with it so far his comment may have been warranted but... I am not quite fully certified and I have made a fifth of what the course cost so far so in my opinion I am working and making it back already.

I also pointed out that we are selling MY house and I deserve to spend a some of the money on something that I want. He thinks it's his house... but that house is mine. It was mine when he came into my life and it is still mine even though he paid some of the mortgage. I am happy to sell it so we don't have to pay 2 mortgages... to make our lives easier but I only want a small amount to further my yoga instruction dammit. I should NOT have to justify it. I am not drinking, I am a good wife and mother, I put up with a lot of bs being with him. Is is too much to want to go to a vinyasa boot camp to increase my knowledge and be able to teach a certain style of yoga that I love but need some in depth instruction??? I think not. It will definitely benefit me and make me more versatile in the long run... and even in the short run. By August.

So I applied.

I hope they accept me. I do have the shoulder thing going on. It might knock me out of the running.

Crossing fingers, praying, karma-ing, meditating etc.

I am going to make it into this program.

And make it through.

Plus... it's only in upstate NY not in Mexico where I could've signed up for. This is 1/2 the price. You would think he'd be happy about that .
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