Thread: a very sad mom
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Old 04-01-2009, 07:56 PM
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Awwwh Susan, You remind me so much of myself. The terrified hurting mom, who loves her boy so much. I can tell by your posts that your so grief stricken. I have been where you are, and I know it is awful. I almost died trying to save my son. Unfortunately it's not for us to fix. We can't fix our boys. Only your son, can stop his drug use. Pray that all of his options run out. I said it many times, that my son's addiction is terrorism for me. Your son is young and strong, and he isn't going to die. I am very sure of that. Don't think that way. As mother's we picture the worst things, and we panic. Meanwhile your son is eating, sleeping, and living off the fat of the land, and your exhausted and heart broken. Your son, will be calling you for help soon. Be patient and take care of you right now. It's hard to believe that you will feel better, but you will. Trust me, As soon as you let go, and turn this problem over to GOD, the sooner your pain will be easier to bear. It took me 2 years, but once I turned it over to GOD, and didn't take it back. The healing began. Rest up, he will be calling. Don't let him manipulate you. You did the right thing, and he will be needing you soon. Did you really think you could let him lay around and sleep until 1pm, Not work, and have a warm bed, food, hot shower, televsion, and the best of everything? That's enabling. You have definitely done the right thing by giving him the choice to live right or leave. I sure hope he wakes up and comes to his senses. In the meantime my prayers go out to you and your son. Pray to St. Monica. She is the patron saint for troubled parents. :ghug3
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