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Old 03-30-2009, 09:59 PM
  # 11 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Ohio
Posts: 355
Just an update.

Today went (WAY) better than expected. I worked my butt off most of the day (very busy day in the clinic I work at) jumped in the car, drove to the house ready to carry out MY play by play plan. The 2 year old had to go with us (wasn't planned), pooped everywhere before we walked out of door (wasn't planned) talked our ears off for 2 hours (wasn't planned). Check engine light came on (obviously wasn't planned) and needless to say I was getting very agitated because I HAD A PLAN.

So anyways, we get to the doctor's office. This was a new doctor from last month. That doctor just didn't seem to fit after 3 visits. Daughter was pretty nervous and I think she was getting discouraged, she really seemed to want to connect to the people that are providing her treatment and it hadn't really worked out that way. This doctor met us at his office door, treated my daughter and me with total respect, took us into the office and let daughter pour her heart out. (I stepped out of the room for that). He called me back in for a discussion and low and behold all the EVERYDAY stuff came out. He actually LISTENED!!!! He offered some suggestions on how WE both could handle this and I came out of the room feeling pretty good. Charged me $100 (yippeee) and we were on our way. He gave daughter and me his CELL Phone number in case we had any questions or concerns.

On the drive home, I got (sort of?LOL) lost for about 45 minutes. My mind was going 90 miles an hour and I was going in circles, grandson was yelling CHICKIE NUGGETS. There was that agitation again. Finally I stopped! I prayed! I went in and ask directions got gas added oil and antifreese, the engine light went off and for all that driving I was about 6 miles from where I wanted to be. All in all it was really a long day by the time we stopped and got other grandson and got home it was 9:30 but I feel like we got something accomplished. AND IT WASN'T MY PLAN!!!!

Today I am grateful.

Tomorrow, (rather today now) MY PLAN is to work and go to my 5 year old grandson's
1st Spring Program at school. He says he has stage fright, should be interesting.

The house can remain a mess and I'm not talking about anything unpleasant or doing anything that I don't want to do. We'll see how my plan works out.

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. Serenity, who knows, maybe mine and yours will clean a room or two. (Maybe)


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