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Old 03-28-2009, 11:50 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Upstate New York
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At this point, I truly believe that it would be a very, very bad sign if I thought I understood HP/God/The Force/whatever-one-wants-to-call-It. I mean, how could anything that I could understand actually be adequate to be any kind of HP????? Seriously, at this point I'm pretty aware of the limits of my own intellect, and I definitely would not be willing to turn my will and my life over to the care of anything that I could understand.......and if I was truly capable of understanding HP, then why would I need to turn my will and my life over the Him/Her/IT anyway, because I'd be perfectly capable of managing them myself, right?

.....and I'm guessing we all have a pretty good idea of where that line of thought got me in the first place!

A story related to this:

Awhile ago I went to hear a talk by Nando Parado, who is a survivor of the infamous 1973 Andes Mts. plane crash in which the survivors survived for something like 2 months in the frozen mountains only by eating the flesh of the passengers who did not survive. Given his life experience, it was truly amazing to hear and see how serene and faith-full this man is.

After his talk, someone in the audience asked him how he could possibly still believe in God after what had happened to him.

His answer was: I would have no use for a God that I could understand. And it's impossible for me to express in words how simply and how certainly he said this -- but without any defensiveness and without condenscending to the questioner in any way. It was almost like answer was so obvious to him that the question made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

...and my favorite quotation related to this (from AA speaker Scott L. of Nashville): "God is not lost, so He doesn't need to be found. In searching for Him what we find is ourselves."

...and Melody Beattie's The language of Letting Go has an excellent reading on this topic for July 13th, part of which goes: "God is Creator, Benefactor, and Source. God has shown me, beyond all else, that how I come to understand God is not nearly as important as knowing that God understands me."

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