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Old 03-19-2009, 07:14 AM
  # 193 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: The Field of Dreams
Posts: 7,249
Never posted in this thread before. I hope Im at the right place. 7 am and my day is already starting off crappy. Long story, but heres the short version. I have an ex GF who just wont leave me alone. Calls me and texts me pretty much daily. I ask her to stop calling and that lasts a couple few days. (of course answering the phone doesnt help) I stopped off and saw her the other day since I was in the neighborhood applying for a job. (figured it must be GODs will) I struggle with staying away from her cause I do still have feelings for her. So, I was sharing about this at a meeting the other day and someone cut me off. That pissed me off. So, 5:30 am this morning my phone is ringing. I wake up and see on the caller ID its my ex GF. I dont answer. Then the first thing in my mind is the person who cut me off at the meeting the other day when I was sharing about my struggles. I dont like this person. They have even stalked me here at SR. (another story) And there has been other incidents. "Principles before personalities" So I go for coffee. I get there and they are out of large cups. Arrrrr. Whatever. I make my coffee and take off down the road. ITS STALE AND ITS NOT HOT!!!!! OK, Im done. I feel better now.
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