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Old 03-15-2009, 02:53 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: East Coast, Killa
Posts: 372
Welcome, Chedley Please do not take these pills w/o consulting a doctor. I know it is scary, intimidating, embarassing, etc -- but trust me they've heard it all before, and they'll know how to help or direct you to someone who can. It sounds like the pills your friend gave you are Suboxone (hexagon shaped orange pill - can't be sure w/o seeing them) --- I know as an addict it's easy to just take anything put in front of you - don't! Google Suboxone or Subutex and do some research first. Suboxone is partial opiate but also an opiate antagonist - meaning basically an opiate's enemy and opposite. They block you from feeling the effects of other opiates, which is good --- but they also knock opiate you already have in your head outta there. That means - you need to be in pretty good withdrawals before taking it or it will make you sick. Also, some people have bad reactions to the medication, which is why you should be under a drs care-- these pills should NOT be taken w/o a drs supervision.

I know, I know - we take everything under the moon we're given - but it sounds like you want to make a change. You want Recovery! If you take suboxone you've gotten from a friend and use them w/o talking to a dr and getting a good plan of recovery going, you're likely to swap addictions...or use the subs as an inbetween when you can't get your hands on heroin...and that is just a merry-go-round in he!! you DO NOT want to ride on. TRUST ME! Get to a doctor, try an aa/na meeting - you can get off the dope - but that's not enough - your lifestyle needs to change and that includes no longer hanging out with people who sell/give you handfuls of pills, IMO.
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