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Old 03-11-2009, 01:05 PM
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"Taking the risk to blossom"
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: a little piece of heaven! Ontario Canada
Posts: 245
Someone is testing me today.............

Ok, as some of you know, I have had a bit of a ride the last couple weeks with my daughters unexpected surgery, my AH moved out (not a bad thing), and to top it off, I have a conference that I have been planning for over 1 year coming on Mar 26&27. It is like a wedding -- all these last minute things to do. I'm not sure why I haven't crashed but I have actually felt like I was thriving.

When I got into work this morning, a former boss of mine (who is a therapist with a private practice now in the building -- I don't work with/for her any more) said good morning and we were having a chat. The subject of divorce came up (her husbands ex was causing problems). So I told her that my AH and I had separated -- I hadn't told her yet. We worked together for over 10 years and she says I'm like her daughter (she's 75 and still working!). She has no boundaries (and she's a therapist -- scary eh?). Anyway, the first words out of her mouth was "you know, I had a client a few years ago who was having an affair with him -- she wouldn't come see me anymore because she saw you here". I was FLOORED!!! First off, that she said it at all. And then, of all the things my husband did, I did not think he was capable of that. I had asked many times and he denied it of course -- I am so hurt, humiliated and feel broken. To me, it is the ultimate lie and betrayal -- takes things to a different level.

To top it all off, my vehicle was making funny noises so I took it in to the garage because I was bent and determined not to call AH -- he can fix anything and everything and I haven't had a vehicle in a shop for at least 10 years. It's going to cost $2000 to fix. I finally had a bit of money, that was making me feel powerful and a little secure and now this!

This has been a terrible day -- I know there are bound to be those but bloody hell.

I know it serves no purpose to confront him about the "affair". I don't really care when it was, who it was, why == anything about it. I am hurt more than any lie he ever told and I need to take care of that hurt. I know he will just deny it anyway so what's the point. But I really really want him to know he didn't get away with it -- that while everybody else probably knew and didn't tell me (sure it was to spare my feelings) -- that I know now. I just want him to know that he didn't pull the wool over my eyes.

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