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Old 03-01-2009, 10:52 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 20
He what?

Hello, I had dated him for 6 years. co-dependent enabler I was and finally am out of the relationship. The stress was literally slowly killing me. I have my own life again and he lives in another state. His addiction had always been whatever was put in front of him..alcohol, cocaine etc.. in the past year he went over the deep end and picked up the glass pipe and starting smoking meth and pawning everything he could. I moved him out and I got roommates and eventually he moved home (where he grew up) to get clean.. he said he wanted it so bad.

In the past month he managed to find it in his town with old friends and now has learned how to make it. He is home at moms again going through detox.
I am here. His mom flew me here.. Something positive she said. I came becuase I miss him and wanted to help her cope. just letting him sleep for now. He is on day three and generally he will be up to be in land of living by tomorrow.. I've clearly done this with him b4.. He will be irritable however once we go in public or if anything is too much for him..
He says he really wanted it and hates that he relapsed. two weeks ago when he admitted it he said he wanted to go in 30 day program... he also said he didnt want to because on back ground checks for jobs it will show him as unstable or admitted.. is this true? I know he needs a doctor/professional to talk to him about what is hurting and his addiction. He says he doesnt see how telling someone stranger his problems is going to help him.. he thinks he can just stay busy and make better choices and he can get better.. I dont truly think he believes this.. I believe he is too scared to deal with any real emotions he has. he always chooses false emotions by being under the influence.
I am here to give support. I know I can not do anything to make it happen. I wish I could but since we havent been together I am finding myself again and am better.. not quite great yet but better... I want him to be my husband and have his babies.. I wish he didnt mess up while we were apart and get his 1st childs mom pregnant again.. ugh .. yes really.. if its even his. she is a mess too.. I realize my life must keep moving forward and work on myself and my happiness though regardless of where he is in his.
however, I am going home on friday.. in a few days a talk with mom, step dad and myself will be happening to suggest options...
any suggestions would be amazing.. i still havent made it to a meeting for myself.. I cant (not an addict) make it to one.. How can i expect him to bring himself to do it..
Ahhh good to talk..:praying

I feel for any loved one who has an addict in there lives. i pray for all of us. I am able to feel happy again..I wish he could be.
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