Old 03-01-2009, 06:53 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 179
The first time I recall drinking too much was my first year in college, and I had a black out. I didn't drink much for a few years, then the drinking and problems started again my senior year. For a few years after college, I was more or less "managed" the alcohol in my life, but still could be surprised when I drank too much. I quit drinking when I was pregnant with my kids, then drank a little, not much for about 15 years. This might be considered the "like normal" people refer to. Then about 7 years ago, I started drinking on a regular basis again--and started to have black outs: one the first year, then two in one year a few years later, until I had 4 in one year (last one was last Oct.) That is really scary stuff/behavior.

Looking back over my life, each time my life has become unmanageable, alcohol was playing a roll in my day-to-day life.

It's pretty clear that I have no "talent" when it comes to alcohol: it gives me NOTHING, nothing, and only takes. "Managing" it for me means setting myself for pain and grief.

Thanks for a good post, MagicMan, I need to think through this so that I don't start listening to my "slick."
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