Old 02-03-2009, 12:45 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Except the weird thing is she called my husband in & talked to him alone. She asked him if my drinking caused any problems. He answered honestly & said "have we fought while she was drinking, yes. Do I drink, yes." Then he said that I haven't drank in a couple of weeks that I seem to be seriously about wanting to change my life.

Her exact words to him were "theres nothing wrong with sitting around & having some drinks together, just don't let her drive"

Why would she ok it with him too?
She was in her mid-twenties at best. I felt a little weird because I am at least 10 yrs older than her, & she is justifying something that I have already come to terms with the fact that is not working in my lifestyle!
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