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Old 01-27-2009, 03:51 AM
  # 41 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 44
As long as something is published like 97% negative stats..knowing that it works for me and others..I will respond and defend to the fullest...The purpose of the riginal post.

Tom you are right about the the young and the casuals...Also the treatment people don't help the stat pool.. They are told after treatment to attend AA it's been my experience that the vast majority never get it..

Dr. Bob said if they don't want it find someone who does..

Today with this instant information age where anyone can make irrsponsible comments and be heard by many, remarks can have damaging impact...It is IMPORTANT to respond and respond vigorously...intelligently...and knowledgebly...My original post was based primarily on my experience as a newcomer...and my exprience saying sober in the rooms the past 35 yrs..It all comes down to ths for me..AA is not a program for people who need it but for people who want it..and work for it..

Carol the important thing for us is that the statistics come from U tube and Google..<TODAY>

THAT's what is IMPORTANT affecting..young and sick minds...That misleading propagands should not be allowed to stand unchallenged...That was what the post was about...My duty to help the still suffering..My refuting the failure rate...very simple

People today have this attitude throw the s*** on the wall and see if it sticks//and let's get on with our own scam and make money off these 97% losers..My job as I see it is to help woe this 97% back...WHY..To help others achieve something substantial that has been around for 70 odd years..and works.
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