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Old 01-19-2009, 10:44 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: The Swish Alps, SF CA
Posts: 2,144
I'd classify that as abstinence rather then recovery.

"Recovery" is addressing the "flaws" in our emotional, spiritual, and physical life.

It sounds as if you have the "physical" stuff wired, at that point is when I found I really needed a program of recovery, because all my "problems" were gone but I was still unhappy, also, after periods of "abstinence" I would get lonely, then pick partners exactly the same as my old partners.

my life started changing, when I started changing, and I did that by working the twelve steps, going to meetings, and going to therapy.

I could "wait around" until I was blue in the face, but as long as I didn't change, as long as I didn't take the necessary action to change, strangely enough, nothing changed.

What you have I would consider a good start, a good "foundation" for "recovery", now..what does Givelove's signature say? "what are you going to do with this wonderful and beautiful life you have been given.

I see many many people stop exactly where you are and CALL it recovery, but I wanted more from my life, so I am doing the work. I want more from life them just not letting people walk on me, I want love, I want joy, I want romance, I want to hold hands and be in love with a healthy person, so we can sit on the couch and watch Dancing with The Stars and laugh by the hour.

I did the work, and I have that, so it is possible.

In the fourth step you are asked to come up with a "sexual ideal", and then a good sponsor will say "Now you need to become that ideal, you need to become what you are looking for", very "St Francis Prayer" but it works, love attracts love, health attracts health, and illness attracts illness, and I was "done" with dealing with "illness" in others, and the only way I know of to cure that, is to cure myself.

What a great opportunity you have, what a great place to be starting from, so many of us had to start so deep in the hole we despaired of ever getting where you are now. So many here would give their eyeteeth to be in your position.

Good Luck in your journey
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