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Old 11-12-2008, 12:30 AM
  # 207 (permalink)  
A picture's worth a 1000 words
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: With any luck, I'm lost in a view finder
Posts: 2,954
oh....i also wanted to repeat something my neuro-psychologist told me last week about sleeping rythems....

Scientists were curious about what would happen if people lived totally without light (but they could use lamps and such when awake) or time clocks. So they took a group of volunteers deep into a cave to live for several weeks or months (not sure how long it was). The result was quite odd actually.

The people fell into a sleep cycle of 36 hours awake and then 36 hours of sleeping.

When telling me this he said, "Who can actually even sleep for 36 hours straight!" I raised my hand, to his surprise. And he questioned if it was without interuption of some periods of wakefulness. I explained that when i was near commatose from my last depression that when i say i slept 23 hours out of each day...that even that 1 hour of wakefullness wasn't all at one time. That it was only from absolutely having to go to the bathroom, but mostly to smoke a cig or a 1/2 before falling right back to sleep. I didn't further explain to him that such extreme sleeping wasn't just for a week or two, but rather last months.

Anyway, that is my biggest fear surrounding this episode (beside not having enough money to keep utilities on, or losing my medical, COBRA coverage). But, at least this time, i know that ECT treatments could bring me out of that pretty quickly and effectively.

end of boring rants for tonight...back to lay down.

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