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Old 08-14-2008, 10:23 AM
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Attitude of Gratitude
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Sending Love to Mrs. Magoo

That is what I wish for you, Janet.

Over the past several months, Janet and I have become very close through emails and phone calls. She is always supportive of everyone in the forums here and truly cares about all of us even though her AH seems to almost be wanting to drag her down emotionally on his own downward spiral.

Not long ago, he wrecked her car, her means of transportation to work and what little her insurance company gave her to put towards a new car had to be used to keep a roof over her and her kids heads. Janet selflessly reaches out to those at her Church . . . she's one of those people who would give you the shirt off her back or her last dollar in her wallet.

A few days ago, she found out that one of her oldest and dearest friends who she lost touch with a few years ago died suddenly back in June. Naturally she is effected by this deeply, remembering all the things they did together as kids, their teenage, growing up years as well as sharing pregnancies together.

I started this thread in hopes that we could send some love and Prayers her way. She's such a special lady who could use some words of encouragement now. My wish for her is Peace & Serenity at this trying time in her life.

God Bless,
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