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Old 07-24-2008, 11:41 AM
  # 16 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: St. Louis, Mo
Posts: 72
I just recently started watching intervention. It was a real eye opener as to what my AH must be going through. It is very hard to watch them actually using. I have never seen my AH actually use his drug of choice, and never want to. I always get very emotional at the end when the family shares during the intervention part. It gives me hope that maybe there is a chance for my AH to get clean. However, it saddens me that this type of help and treatment is not available to anyone who needs it. In our situation, our insurance does not cover treatment at all, and our income is too much to get state funded help, even though we struggle to pay the bills. It actually makes me very angry that everyone cannot get help like this.

I just watched the show the Cleaner the other night for the first time. I'm not sure if it was the first episode or not. Not sure when it started, but I was very upset that Benjamin Bratt's helper in getting people clean (who was in recovery himself) got so upset that his wife would not take him back that he overdosed on what seemed like heroin. Maybe he committed suicide. That part of the show at the very end really got to me.
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