Thread: Got the test...
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Old 07-20-2008, 07:46 AM
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Ok, I got the results.....
And I am *not* hypoglycemic...
That's both good and bad news.

It's good news cuz I do not have a metabolic disorder. :>)
It's bad news cuz, my high blood sugar is all on me.
It's all about what I'm eating and drinking. And how much of each I'm doing.
Which means, I've got some more lifestyle changing to do.

More modifcation of my diet is the first step.
Gone is the pasta I love.
Burgers, fries, onion rings, pizza, and the occasional ice cream or candy bar.
And no more chinese buffet! OY!!! Shuchi and crab legs.... good bye my friends....
And forget my beloved fried more.

I already eat whole wheat or 7-12 grain bread.
I have to eat smaller meals, more often; like 5 times a day she said. OY!
More protein and fruits and veggies.
I've been trying with the fruits and veggies.
And my garden makes it easier; the tomatoes are starting to come in. The lettuce has been in for quite some time; the broccoli too. :>)~
But, it's going to be hard.

I don't use any sugar. But, I like to go out. It's about the only thing I do for myself. And the places I go do not serve the most healthy foods, if you get my drift, LOL!
Guess you could tell by the list I said good by to, huh?

Anyway, the test results said my fasting glucose was high; it was 118, and should be 99 or lower. Each point is big, so, it's a meaningful difference. Not diabetic, but, high.

It takes my body too long to process the sugar. That means I'm in early insulin resistance. After the sugary drink, I spiked at 185. At 1 1/2 hours, it went up to 195. No wonder I felt so sick! Yuck!

At the two hour mark, my blood sugar was 166. It should have been less than 140. There's where it showed I was insulin resistent. But, by 2 1/2 hours, I was aat 143 and then quickly dropped down to acceptable numbers.

One interesting note, though. I bummed a cigarette during the last 1/2 hour. Prior to the last reading, my blood sugar was 82. After the cigarette, my sugar reading was 88! Yes, cigarettes effect our blood sugar!!! The tobacco is cured with three different types of sugar, and we ingest it when we smoke them!

Anyway, if I do not take care of these issues now, I will become a diabetic. The only way to take care of it is with diet and exercise. It's all in my hands. There's no excuse; there's no metabolic disorder to blame. It's all about my choices. So, it's up to me to make better choices.

All in all, my doc said that my readings were "much better" than they were when we first started looking at my weight, over a year ago. And I have lost about 35 pounds since then. My clothes fit better. I've gotten into a dress that I bought years ago, and was never able to wear, but, was *determined* to wear, cuz I loved it so much! LOL! It's a very classic design, so, it doesn't go out of style. LOL!

I still have about 30 pounds more to loose in order to look good and to be *fit.* I had lost 3 more pounds. But, I've had alot of stress with an alcoholic neighbor. I actually had to get a restraining order against her! And, unfortunately, I'm a stress eater. So, I gained that three pounds back. But, no more than that. I'm made at myself, but, I hope I've caught myself on time. We go to court tomorrow, so, this should be the end of her harrassment and threats. And, hopefully, I can begin to enjoy my summer, before it's over.

Anyway, no hypoglycemia. Lots learned. And I'm responsible.
Guess it took an awfull lot of words to say those three facts, huh?
Thanks for listening....

And SoozieQ, if you're around, I'd love to hear from you!!!!

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